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Home » 7 Principles of Resistance

7 Principles of Resistance

Source: Do the Work! by Steven Pressfield
  1. There is an enemy
    An intelligent, active, malign force working against us.
    Recognizing this is enormously powerful.
  2. The enemy is implacable
    Its aim is to kill.
  3. This enemy is inside you
    This is not a peripheral opponent.
    It comes from us.
    Wherever you go, Resistance will still be with you.
  4. The enemy is inside you, but it is not you
    You are not to blame for the voices of Resistance you hear in your head.
    If you’ve got a head, you’ve got a voice of Resistance in it.
    You are blameless. You retain free will and the capacity to act.
  5. The real you must dual the Resistance you
    You are the knight. Resistance if the dragon.
    There is no way to be nice to the dragon, to reason with it or negotiate with it.
    The dragon lives only to block you from reaching your goal.
    The only recourse is battle. The contest is life and death.
  6. Resistance arises second
    What comes first is the idea: The passion, the dream that scares the hell out of us.
    Resistance is the shadow cast by the innovative self’s sun.
    Before the dragon rears its head, there existed a force so potent and life affirming, it summoned the beast into being, perversely to combat it.
    The urge comes first. The urge is Love, our higher nature, our Self.
    The opposite of Fear is Love.
  7. The opposite of Resistance is Assistance
    The knight is always aided in his quest.
    Providence brings forth a champion to assist the hero.
    All of these represent Assistance.
    We can align ourselves with the forces of Assistance and ride them into battle with the dragon.

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